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This help us to create new features and spend more time for developing to optimize it.
First unzip the downloaded package.
Search the file „“, which is included in the package.
Unzip the package and upload the folder via FTP in the „plugins“ folder of your WordPress installation.
If the upload is finished, you have to activate the plugin at WordPress backend section „Plugins“.
That's all. Now you can customize the theme at „Tools > WP Admin Theme“.
Plugin Options
Show or hide a user box before the left WordPress Admin menu, thumbnails before the title at posts / pages table list or add a column which showing their IDs at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Theme Options“.
Go to „User Box“, to hide the user box for the left admin menu.
Go to „Thumbnails“, to hide the thumbnails for the posts and pages table list.
Go to „Post/Page IDs“, to hide the IDs for the posts and pages table list.
Go to „Spacing“, to remove he spacing around the backend block.
Go to „Credits“, to hide the footer credits.
Go to „Custom Web Font“, to add custom Google web fonts to the WordPress Admin panel.
Manage the visibility and the WordPress Icon at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Toolbar“.
Go to „Toolbar“, to hide the toolbar.
Go to „Toolbar WP Icon“, to hide the toolbar WordPress icon.
Go to „Custom Toolbar Icon“, to upload a custom toolbar icon instead of the WordPress icon.
Theme Colors
Easy to change the color of the admin theme. Customize the main color and background gradient at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Colors“.
Go to „Theme Color“, to change the main WordPress Admin Theme colors.
Go to „Background Gradient Color“, to change a custom background gradient.
Login Page
A clean and modern designed login page. Change the logo, the title and upload a custom background image for your login page at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Login Page“.
Go to „Login Title“, to change the title for the login box.
Go to „Logo“, to upload a custom logo and setup the logo size.
Go to „Background Image“, to upload a custom background.
Footer Information
Get interesting information about your WordPress installation at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Footer Information“.
Go to „Memory Usage“, to hide the currently memory usage.
Go to „WP Memory Limit“, to hide the WordPress memory limit.
Go to „PHP Version“, to hide the PHP version of your server.
Go to „IP Address“, to hide the IP address of your server.
Go to „WP Version“, to hide the currently installed WordPress version number.
Custom Stylesheets
Add custom css styles for login and admin pages at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Custom Stylesheets“.
Go to „WP Admin CSS“, to add custom css for the WordPress Admin Theme.
Go to „WP Login CSS“, to add custom css for the WordPress Login Page.
Allow the upload of additional files at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Media“.
Go to „SVG Support“, to allow the upload of SVG files.
Go to „ICO Support“, to allow the upload of ICO files.
Activate Multisite support at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Multisite“.
If you have activate the Multisite support, a new submenu page will be displayed at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Multisite Update“.
This feature deactivate the possibility to change all of the WP Admin Theme options by other network sites, with exeption of the main site with „blog ID 1“.
Go to „Tools > WP Admin Multisite Update“, (visible at the backend of the main site) to share all options from „blog ID 1“ with other sites of your network.
You can export all options from the plugin to backup the settings as JSON file at „Tools > WP Admin Theme > Im-/ Export“.
After exporting, you can either use the JSON file to restore your settings on this site again or another WordPress site.
Translation in your language
If you want to change the language of the plugin files, you can do it. The plugin is ready for translation.
How I can translate the plugin?
In the „languages“ folder of the plugin, you can find the „wp-admin-theme-cd.pot“ file with all text variables.
Use the tool „Poedit“ to add another language. With this tool you can load the POT file to create two files, which that are important for your new language.
These are the .PO and .MO files. The german language files are already included.
Save the translated files to the right WP locale name, e.g. if you are translating to French you have to use the filename „wp-admin-theme-cd-fr_FR.po“.
A full list of WP locales you can find here.
If you have created the new language files, upload them to your „languages“ plugin folder.
After uploading you can switch the language settings in your WordPress backend „Settings > General > Site Language“.
If a new version of the plugin is available, you can make an update to transfer all the new changes to your old plugin files.
Uploading and replacing an existing plugin
It is required, to upload a new version of the plugin manually and replace an the older version in order to upgrade it.
Login to your site via FTP, navigate to „../wp-content/plugins/“, delete the old plugin folder and upload the new version.
Make sure you create a backup of the old version from your plugin just in case something goes wrong.
An alternative method, if you don't want to delete the old plugin directly, is to rename the folder from
„wp-admin-theme-cd“ to „_wp-admin-theme-cd“. After renaming your old plugin, you can upload the new.
Now you can work with the currently version of the plugin.